Fabian’s Festive 500 was probably logistically more difficult than yours. Working full time for Still Life over the holidays, Fabian had to do the whole retail thing the whole way through — from last-minute shopping to the madness of boxing day, Fabian was there, selling shirts and hats and belts and cool flags and pants. Despite working a 48 hour work week and some far less than ideal weather conditions, Fabian managed to complete the Festive 500 with panache.
Words and photos by Fabian Merino (IG: @justchilean)
Day 1: Wednesday, December 24, 2014
I decided on the route for Day 1 the night before while having a few drinks. I had to work from 11am until 6:30pm, so I woke up at 5:30am and rode 100km before work.
Last year was much easier; I had more time to finish the Festive comfortably without having to wake up at such weird times. Plus I wasn’t working as much — this year I only had one day off during the whole Festive. My plan was to leave by 6am and make it back home by 10am so I could have time to shower and eat before heading to work. I made some coffee as soon as I woke up. It was too early to eat anything, so I had a banana for breakfast. I left the apartment and rode up the Peninsula — it was dark and cold, but the sun came out by the time I got to Sidney. I did the Lands End Road to to West Saanich thing, and stopped at Deep Cove market for a coffee. To get back I ventured into the Highlands via Willis Point, Ross Durrance, and Munns. As soon as I started descending Munns my rear shifter cable snapped, leaving me with a harder gears for the way home. I popped my bike into BSC and got’er tuned up. Thanks boys.

Day 2: Thursday, December 25, 2014
Christmas day was my only day off from work. My girlfriend bought me the best gift I’ve had for Christmas the night before (new Ultegra wheels) and the boys at the bike shop tuned my bike up and added a new cassette, chain rings, brake pads, housing, etc. I’m really thankful for everything — I basically got a brand new bike for Christmas.

I grabbed breakfast with my uncle and his family (my only family in Victoria). I ended up meeting Parker at Fantastico for noon. Our ride for the day was looking pretty good — hilly and sunny with no wind. We rode to East Sooke and back: 4 hours of riding, about 100kms.

We had amazing food that night and got pretty drunk with our friends, it was a really good Christmas.
Friday, December 26, 2014
Boxing day. I had to work at 9am, and it was crazy busy all day at Still Life. I took the opportunity to take the day off.

Day 3: Saturday, December 27, 2014
Another early start — waking up at 5:30am felt normal at this point. I made coffee and food, and soon realized that it rained all night and was still pouring outside. Not stoked.
I was out the door by 7. I made my way towards Metchosin and decided to skip the Esquimalt Lagoon — I had no interest in getting blown across the road by gale-force winds. I managed to get to Gillespie Rd. (East Sooke) before the sun came out, but the rain was still pounding. By the time I got to Sooke Rd. I decided to take Kangaroo Rd. and Happy Valley Rd, back into town via Langford. Good times. I ended up doing 85kms before work that morning.
Sunday, December 28th, 2014
I wasn’t feeling great this morning, so I decided to skip riding.

Day 4: Monday, December 29th, 2014
This was a pretty sweet ride. I left at 6am and went straight to Humpback Rd. It was my first time riding this road in the dark, and it was really creepy (especially while listening to circus-like music by Tom Waits). I came back into town through Langford and took a left off of the Goose onto Prospect Lake Rd. I made my way up Munns and Ross Durrance, and took Wallace up to Garden Gate Rd. As soon as I took that icy corner, I saw a bird on the ground trying to fly away, but it looked hurt. I stopped and picked it up, placed it by the bushes after making sure it was okay. Made my way back into town via Old West Saanich rd. and Interurban.

Day 5: Tuesday, December 30th, 2014
A frustrating start to the day. I left at 6am, but the battery for my light wasn’t fully charged and died pretty quickly. After doing Prospect Lake Rd,, I went up Wallace Dr. and Stellys Cross Rd. Not my favourite ride, but the sunrise was amazing along the Waterfront. I had to work at 10am — gotta make that cash, I guess.
Day 6: December 31st, 2014
I had to work at 1pm today, so I decided to start early and do a big ride again. I left the house at 6am, and made my way went all the way down to Rocky Point Rd. I took a right down Sooke Rd. and connected to Langford Lake. I went up Interurban and West Saanich all the way to Wallace and followed it to Mt Newton Cross Rd. I stopped at McDonald’s for a healthy breakfast. I took Waterfront home: 130 kms. Stoked to be done, it was time to get drunk for New Years (after work).
Between Christmas Eve and New Years Eve I ended up riding 572kms 22.5 hours over the course of 6 days. I worked 48 hours, and managed do the whole thing with no evening rides. Success.